Neck finish issue

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Neck finish issue

Post by HatfieldCreek »

I picked up a special run fender a couple years ago, ash body, nitro finish, texas specials stock. Only issue I've had with it (other than having to shield the tubs) is the neck. It's a satin finish back, gloss top one piece maple, but from what I can tell, they sprayed the gloss after the frets were installed. Since I bought it in a super dry climate, the fret ends were popping a bit, but they've pushed enough (and receded now that it's in a properly humidified environment) that the finish is chipping off in small sections around the fret end. I'm wondering if anyone has had an issue like this, and if there's an easy fix/is an easy fix worth it. It's getting to the point now that it's going to need a refret within the next year, but the holes in the finish are catching my hand and driving me crazy.
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Re: Neck finish issue

Post by miroslav »

I'm sure others will have some suggestion...but unless it's like a holy grail guitar...I would just get some very fine grit paper, and smooth that out.
Considering it's a satin finish, it wouldn't be a bad look. Just do the edge along the frets, and then feather it toward the back if the neck.

I take a Emery board...the bigger, thicker ones, with the foam center...and run it down the edge of all my guitars to smooth out any fret never hurt the look...and mine are glossy finish necks.

There's a couple of guitar building guys here (Roman and Muttley) that can give you their suggestions.
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Re: Neck finish issue

Post by muttley »

It's not uncommon on any guitar to get frets popping when acclimatizing. Either up or when the f/b shrinks a little, side ways out the edge. First thing to do is live with it for a bit and make sure it has finished settling. In all likelyhood they will never pop back in but they may well move a little more. The best time to keep an eye on it is during a period of shifting climate or season. Once you are sure it's settled you can either take it into a repair guy who will do it for you or you can carefully file back the fret ends and polish them up. Finally with some ver fine wire wool (OOOO) lightly take the cracked edge off the finish being careful not to get any dirt in there. Clean off with naphtha and give the fret ends a light touch up with french polish (shellac). You may want to get it back to Fender if it's still covered. It's not a big job and a decent repair guy wouldn't charge much to do it. It would take me about an hour.
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Re: Neck finish issue

Post by HatfieldCreek »

I've done a fair bit of fretwork in the past, but I've never had an issue like this (could have to do with the fact I've lived on the ocean for most of my life, but have been living in the prairies for the past few years). I haven't heard from fender yet, but if it's lacquer I was thinking of just using thinner to smooth it out (I'll try to get some pictures up when I get back to town). I had been debating just stripping the finish and oiling the neck, but I haven't played an oiled neck at all in five years, not sure if it'd still work for me.

In response to muttley, the frets have actually gone back to their original position (or close to it), it's really just the finish bubbles that were left from the movement that are now popping. Like I said, I'll try to get some pictures up soon.
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Re: Neck finish issue

Post by muttley »

Pictures would be good because the fret tang shouldnt allow the frets to move that much. Are there any signs of frets rising? Are there any small gaps round the fret ends.

Using solvent to smooth out the lacquer is known as "pulling over". It can be done but it can be tricky, you need to stop the cloth you use from leaving little bits of lint in there so use a lint free cloth and work very clean. You can use a bit of water to stop the cloth from sticking as well. Keep the pad moving and go lightly. I know guys that use to suck boiled sweets and spit on the pad to keep it moving. It works.
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Re: Neck finish issue

Post by Greg_L »

Why does Fender lacquer their damn fretboards and frets anyway? It's gross and dumb. Fender sucks balls.
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Re: Neck finish issue

Post by Roman »

If you're here asking, you probably don't have the experience or chops to repair the finish. (And I sincerely mean no offense to you or your abilities)

You dont want to "practice" building your chops on the very item you're trying to fix.

In my experience the fret ends will pop out and 'shrink' back many times over it's life. They really dont 'pop' and 'shrink' as metal has different expansion and contraction rates than wood.
Wood swells and shrinks depending in temp and humidity.

You say you've had some fretwork experience? File and sand the ends and just get rid of that delaminated finish.

You're going to wear it off eventually anyway.
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